The term "low-hanging fruit" comes from the business world. It generally describes work that can be completed quickly and with little effort, but which yields a high return.
The term is also commonly used in search engine optimization, where it also stands for measures with an above-average cost-benefit ratio. There is no fixed definition of what exactly counts as low-hanging fruit and what does not.
All SEO measures that can be carried out with little effort and bring great benefits belong to the low-hanging fruits. Such processes are of course so interesting because they provide a relatively large ranking push with little effort.
SEO is generally a long-term affair. Both the measures involved and their results can take some time. In order to benefit as quickly as possible, professional search engine optimization initially focuses on tactics that can be implemented quickly and are also highly effective.
Low hanging fruits are therefore usually tackled at the beginning of the work process. However, it is important to ensure that you don't just focus on such easy tasks. These can only guarantee the required SEO success in the rarest of cases. A holistic SEO strategy - prioritized according to costs and benefits - is almost always a must-have.
In search engine optimization, even relatively small measures can lead to significant improvements. Various optimizations involve little work, but contribute significantly to a more advantageous search engine ranking, a longer user dwell time or an increased number of visitors: In other words, signals that definitely play an important role in the ranking.
Typical SEO low hanging fruits include:
All of these measures are part of on-page optimization, i.e. SEO measures that take place on the pages of a website. In off-page optimization, i.e. away from the website, low-hanging fruit are rare. This is particularly about building effective backlinks (backlinks from pages on the same topic that rank well on Google and other search engines). Such activities are always labor-intensive if they are to bring truly outstanding success.
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