Patient care: Focus on quality and efficiency

Germany is facing major challenges in healthcare. Demographic change and rising costs are major problems. The shortage of skilled labour in the healthcare sector calls for reforms.

The quality and efficiency of care must be improved. It is important that all patients have access to the latest medicine.

The ‘Redesigning healthcare’ think tank brought together experts at the end of 2023. They discussed creative solutions and best practices. The result is a white paper that sees outpatient care and the formation of competence centres as key.

The use of new technologies in patient care will also be important. This can increase efficiency.

Sustainable hospital financing is also important. The GKV estimation circle sees a large funding gap for 2022. New remuneration models that prioritise quality could help.

Challenges for the German healthcare system

The healthcare system in Germany is facing major challenges. The population is getting older, which means more medical assistance. Cost pressure is increasing due to new technologies and more chronic diseases. A thorough reform is needed to improve care and secure funding.

Demographic change and rising costs

Society is ageing, which is putting a strain on the healthcare system. Older people need more medical help, while fewer contributors are paying. New therapies and medicines are increasing costs.

The GKV estimation circle forecasts a large funding gap for 2022. Major reforms are needed to secure healthcare.

Shortage of skilled labour in the healthcare sector

There is a shortage of skilled labour in the healthcare sector. Demographic change is increasing the need for nursing staff. Many doctors and nurses will soon be retiring.

There are not enough qualified workers. This makes care more difficult and overburdens staff. Better working conditions and higher pay could attract more people to the healthcare professions.

Need for fundamental reforms

Comprehensive reforms are needed to strengthen the healthcare system. Sustainable funding and adapted care structures are important. Stronger networking and digital solutions will help.

Bold steps are needed to secure affordable healthcare for the future.

Solutions for sustainable hospital care

New ideas are needed to improve the German healthcare system. Specialisation and centralisation in hospitals could help. This will allow resources to be better utilised and treatment to be improved.

Experts in specialised centres will improve care. This also increases efficiency.

Outpatient care and competence centres

One good way is to provide more outpatient treatment. Outpatient structures and competence centres help with this. They offer specialised treatments and improve care.

Specialisation increases quality. And costs are also reduced.

Digitalisation and telemedicine

Digitalisation brings many advantages for health. Telemedicine makes it possible to reach specialists without travelling long distances. A strong digital infrastructure helps to share information quickly.

Data protection is very important.

Evidence-based medicine and healthcare research

Treatment decisions should be based on evidence. This improves treatment. Research helps to optimise standards and make patients safer.

Health services research investigates how we can provide better care. Research and practice need to work closely together to improve the system.

Improving quality through innovative technologies and processes

Modern medical products and procedures are important in order to provide the best patient care. Klinikum Stuttgart, the largest maximum care hospital in Baden-Württemberg, works closely with Philips. The aim is to constantly improve the quality of treatment.

The latest technologies and process optimisations are used. They enable efficient and scientifically sound care.

Efficient clinical decision support

Digital systems based on the latest research help doctors to find the best therapy for each patient. These systems improve the quality of treatment and ensure continuous care. Klinikum Stuttgart uses modern medical technology and large-scale equipment for precise diagnoses and effective treatments.

Optimising the patient journey from prevention to aftercare

Another focus is on improving the entire care process. Modern technologies and standardised processes ensure a high-quality ‘patient journey’. From prevention to aftercare, everything is harmonised.

Innovations in telemedicine and digital aftercare are also important. They help to ensure care even after hospitalisation.

Klinikum Stuttgart is investing 750 million euros in structural improvements. The aim is to create optimal conditions for innovative care. The new Katharinenhospital building in the city centre is an example of this. Philips and start-ups are supporting the development through digitalisation and artificial intelligence.

Patient care takes centre stage: new remuneration models

German hospitals want to provide better care for their patients. That's why they need a new remuneration system. The hospital reform wants to replace the old flat rates per case with flat rates per patient.

This should help hospitals to focus more on the quality of treatment. This will create a fairer system for everyone.

Quality-orientated remuneration instead of pure flat rates per case

The current DRG system is often criticised. It does not reward quality enough and can lead to poor decisions. Better remuneration could change this.

Important quality indicators must be defined and measured. The success of treatment and patient satisfaction should be important.

Create incentives for patient-centred care

In addition to the flat rates, there are other options. Comprehensive flat rates better reflect the real costs. Hospitals that work well should be rewarded.

Such a system would increase competition. This would improve treatment in hospitals.

International best practices and benchmarking

In order to improve patient care in Germany, it is useful to think outside the box. International comparisons help to compare other healthcare systems. They offer valuable ideas for reforms.

We can improve by analysing quality data and best practices. This creates new ways of providing high-quality care.

Health services research is very important here. It shows how expenditure and health status are linked. It also finds areas where we can improve.

Studies show how benchmarking projects can help. For example, in stroke care, depression in Parkinson's patients or pain therapy after operations.

Exchange with other countries is important in order to improve care in Germany. We can adopt successful concepts and implement reforms. This is how we improve patient care in the long term.

Benchmarking creates transparency and promotes competition. It helps us to make evidence-based decisions. This is how we become fit for the future.


Why are reforms necessary in the German hospital landscape?

Demographic change and rising costs demand changes. The system must adapt in order to improve quality and efficiency. This will ensure that healthcare remains secure in the long term.

What role do outpatient care structures and competence centres play?

Outpatient care and competence centres increase efficiency and quality. They enable high-quality treatment and save costs.

How can innovative technologies improve patient care?

Modern medical devices and digital solutions improve care. Telemedicine increases access, especially in rural areas. Clinical systems based on research improve quality and safety.

What are the requirements for a sustainable remuneration system?

A modern system incentivises high quality of care. Successful treatment and patient satisfaction must be more strongly recognised. This requires meaningful quality indicators.

What can we learn from other countries for the further development of the German healthcare system?

International comparisons offer valuable impulses. Experiences from other countries help to increase efficiency and develop innovative approaches. At the same time, it is important to preserve the strengths of the German system.

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