Google ranking: definition, function and the most important ranking factors for SEO

The term "Google ranking" basically refers to nothing more than the order of the search results that are listed following a search entry on Google. These are ranked one below the other on the so-called search engine result pages (SERPs).

How does Google ranking work?

Google uses so-called web crawlers to evaluate and ultimately rank websites. These are practically website scanners that continuously view and index pages.

In Google's opinion, each page is essentially assessed in terms of its authority and usefulness for end users. The search engine leader then ranks them on the results pages for relevant searches using algorithms that use over 200 ranking factors to assess quality.

The search results pages answer specific search queries based on keywords and keyword phrases entered into Google. Keywords are matched on the individual pages. At the end, the search engine displays suitable results.

However, Google's artificial intelligence (AI) is also able to understand a deeper meaning behind every search query. Concepts consisting of user experiences and technical requirements are processed - not just individual words.

Some of the algorithms used are still a mystery. Google is generally silent on the exact functions of its search service. Most of what SEO professionals know about the processes is the result of observation. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to estimate the processes, as many of them are now very dynamically adjusted by Google's AI.

Which ranking factors are particularly useful for SEO?

Google does not provide precise information on the most important factors for its search algorithms. However, through research, testing and experience, good SEO agencies know which are likely to be the most relevant ranking factors. Most SEOs agree that the following ranking factors are at the top:

  • A secure and easily accessible website
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Speed of the site
  • Quality of the website content
  • Technical SEO
  • User experience
  • Qualitative backlinks
  • Social and local signals
  • URL authority
  • Meta data
  • keywords

If you include these factors in your search engine optimization, you have the best chance of landing high up in the Google rankings for relevant search queries. To the top

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